The 290th birthday celebration for President George Washington was held on February 21, 2022, at the Capitol Hill Club, hosted by the District of Columbia Daughters of the American Revolution in conjunction with the District of Columbia Sons of the American Revolution and the District of Columbia Children of the American Revolution. Guests were welcomed by DC DAR State Regent Cindy Hays. Greetings were also offered by Joel Hinzman, President of DCSAR, DC C.A.R. incoming State President Miah Malur, and DC C.A.R. Senior State President Lorraine Nordlinger.
Samantha Snyder, Mount Vernon Research Librarian, was the luncheon guest speaker. Ms. Snyder spoke on “Washington Female Cabinet”. The presentation center on a group of ladies who were advisors to President Washington. The written comments from Washington to Annis Boudinot Stockton during August of 1788 documented his sentiments towards his female advisors.
DCSAR Secretary Paul Hays conducted the induction ceremony for three new compatriots. The inductees were Andrew Borene who lives in McLean, Virginia, and his son Magnus Borene who lives in Edina, Minnesota. They are 5th and 6th great grandsons, respectively of George Prince, who served as a Captain of the Shenandoah County Virginia Militia. Joel Hinzman is their sponsor.
Jonathan Burgess Joyner lives in Arlington, VA. He’s a 5th great grandson of Abner Chapin, who served as a Sergeant in a detachment of a Myrifield, Massachusetts company which marched to Bennington on August 15, 1777. Fred Humphreys is Jonathan’s sponsor.
The invocation and the benediction were given by Reverend John Stonesifer, Chaplain,