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  • 7 Apr 2022 10:00 AM | William Ritchie (Administrator)

    Robert J. Contee III, Chief of Police, Washington, DC Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) is the recipient of the 2022 Law Enforcement Commendation and Medal. The presentation on April 7, 2022, occurred within the department’s Joint Operation Command Center (JOCC) attending by nearly 75 local and federal law enforcement professionals. MPDC’s Joint Operations Command Center, a secure facility located on the 5th Floor of police headquarters. The JOCC is operated by the MPDC, but may include staff from other federal, regional, state and local law enforcement agencies during joint operations occurring in Washington, DC.

    Chief Contee holds a bachelor’s degree in Professional Studies with a concentration in Police Science from George Washington University. He has also completed the Management College at the Institute for Law Enforcement Administration and the Senior Management Institute for Police of the Police Executive Research Forum in Boston, Massachusetts.

    He held the position of Assistant Chief of the Investigative Services Bureau when on May 4, 2021, he was officially confirmed as Chief of the Metropolitan Police Department.

    January 2, 2021, when elevated to acting chief of police, Chief Contee made this statement to his officers. “Earlier today with family by my side, I had the distinct honor and privilege of being sworn in as the Acting Chief of Police of our great agency. As a native son of Washington, DC, the gravity of this occasion will not be lost on me and will further motivate me to be a leader that inspires each of you to be the best in your respective roles. We all play an important role in not only making MPD the model police department in our great nation but also ensuring the District of Columbia is a safe and thriving city.”

    “Together, we will continue our part to build a healthy and strong community ecosystem. One that cultivates a police department that is rooted in fairness, with compassion for everyone and thrives from community relationships. Yes, the new year is upon us but there are still many challenges we must confront. I am confident that we will overcome these obstacles because that is who we are and what we do.”

    Under Chief Contee’s leadership, the department has shifted resources to focus on an intelligence-based policing approach to identify, interdict and interrupt violent offenders within the District. The goal of MPD’s Violence Reduction Unit is to build strong criminal cases on offenders and groups to ensure those repeat offenders cannot continue to endanger our communities, by get the guns out of the wrong hands.  The department deployed a new Community Focused Patrol Unit, which is a data-driven unit that assists in supplementing their existing patrol districts in areas of the city that are experiencing higher volumes of criminal activity, emerging crime trends, and/or significant events. 

    The department has partners with the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau and the United States Attorney’s Office to form the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN) to help investigate non-fatal shootings and violent gun offenders in DC.  NIBIN is a proven investigative and intelligence tool that can link firearms from multiple crime scenes, allowing law enforcement to identify, investigate, and prosecute the trigger-pullers who terrorize our neighborhoods. Removing shooters from D.C.’s streets is an indispensable step in breaking the cycle of violence gripping our communities.  

    In November, Chief Contee held the first MPD Youth Summit. The Summit, facilitated by MPD and the George Washington University, built upon the wealth of experiences and knowledge that the youth of the District have acquired during their in-school and out-of-school experiences. The Youth Summit allowed young people to engage in open dialogue regarding the problems they faced in their individual communities, allowing MPD to gain first-hand knowledge on how our youth believe the Metropolitan Police Department can be more effective in addressing racial, social, and economic disparities and inequities within their communities.

    During February 2022, Chief Contee and DC Mayor Muriel Bowser announced the Homicide Reduction Partnership, a year-long collaborative effort to reduce violent crime through strategic prevention and focused enforcement. With this new partnership, MPD will focus resources and intelligence-led policing strategies in collaboration with local and federal law enforcement and criminal justice partners, DC government agencies, and community partners. Also in February, Chief Contee with Chief of Police Malik Aziz of the adjoining Prince George’s County Police Department announced enhanced efforts to combat regional carjackings. The cross-border initiative between DC and Prince George’s County will focus on greater communication and public awareness around carjackings. There will be an increase in investigative support with additional detectives on the carjacking task force and an expansion of intelligence sharing to address the uptick in carjackings.

    DCFEMS Chief John A. Donnelly Sr., is the recipient of the 2022 Fire Safety Commendation and Medal. Chief Donnelly started his career with District of Columbia Fire and EMS in 1992 at Truck 16. Over the course of his career, he has served at Rescue Squad 3, Tower 3, Battalion Fire Chief 2; as the Division Commander of Special Operations, Homeland Security, and Apparatus Division; and as a member of the Command Staff in Special Projects and Executive Officer Roles.

    In 2018, Chief Donnelly was promoted to the newly established Professional Development Bureau which includes the Human Resources Division which includes the Payroll and Compliance Offices, Professional Standards Division, Training Division, the Medical Services Division, and the Grants Office.

    Chief Donnelly serves on numerous committees supporting regional and national preparedness, including the International Association of Fire Chiefs Terrorism and Homeland Security Committee and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Government’s Fire Chief’s Committee.

    Under Chief Donnelly’s leadership the department implemented a partnership with the DC Department of Aging to deliver a public education program entitled “What’s Cooking Seniors.”  The virtual (online) fire safety education program focuses on cooking and kitchen safety and will be coordinated with independent and assisted living senior residential buildings and management. Awareness on electrical and home heating fire prevention, smoking and oxygen safety, escape planning in case of fire, smoke alarm/carbon monoxide alarm maintenance, and fall prevention will also be included. This program was designed to address the rising number of cooking fires and senior citizen fire deaths we witnessed during the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The Department is currently in partnership with DC Public Schools to deliver public education programs (in-person or virtually) to elementary age students. The program will present age-appropriate fire safety education topics such as: Stop, Drop and Roll, What’s Hot and What’s Not, Smoke/CO Alarm identification and response, and Exit Drills in the Home.

    The Department is currently in partnership with the DC Department of Aging and other community partners such as independent and assisted living senior residential buildings and management to deliver 50 public education programs entitled “Pathway to Safety.”  The virtual (online) or in person fire safety program will focus on hoarding and safety tips on how to declutter and reduce fire safety hazards.

    The SAR Emergency Medical Services Award and Medals were presented to DCFEMS Firefighter/EMS Technicians Da’Von McRae and Richard Brady assigned to the District of Columbia – FEMS – Engine 6 by Assistant Fire Chief Queen Anunay. They received the awards in recognition of their dedication to the preservation of life and health under emergency conditions and performing beyond the duties normally called for within the emergency medical services profession specifically demonstrated on March 23, 2021, while performing emergency care for a resident in the District of Columbia. The family of the resident sent a letter to the FEMS applauding the performance of the two technicians quoting "I continue to give God the praise for sending us the right firefighters at the right time.  Richard Brady and Da'von McRae went above and beyond the call of duty and it's because of them that [the patient] is much better."

    Of note A/C Anunay was the recipient of the 2019 SAR Fire Safety Commendation and Medal as a Battalion Chief.

  • 26 Feb 2022 6:00 PM | William Ritchie (Administrator)

    The Honorable David Howell Petraeus was our special guest at the Sweethearts and Patriots Gala on February 26, 2022, at The Mansion on O Street. The event benefits The National Military Family Association, whose mission is to stand up for, support, and enhance the quality of life for every military family through bold advocacy, innovative programming, and dynamic and responsive solutions.

    General Petraeus is a partner in the global investment firm KKR and Chairman of the KKR Global Institute. He is also a member of the boards of Optiv and OneStream, a personal venture investor, and engaged in various academic endeavors.

    General Petraeus highlighted his military service and his service as director of the CIA. He discussed what advocacy organizations such as the National Military Family Association mean to those who honorably serve our country and to their families.

    Guests were able to enjoy the many photographs and other historical artifacts contained in many rooms and hidden rooms in the four-story mansion museum. The event was enjoyed by all.

  • 21 Feb 2022 11:30 AM | William Ritchie (Administrator)

    The 290th birthday celebration for President George Washington was held on February 21, 2022, at the Capitol Hill Club, hosted by the District of Columbia Daughters of the American Revolution in conjunction with the District of Columbia Sons of the American Revolution and the District of Columbia Children of the American Revolution. Guests were welcomed by DC DAR State Regent Cindy Hays. Greetings were also offered by Joel Hinzman, President of DCSAR, DC C.A.R. incoming State President Miah Malur, and DC C.A.R. Senior State President Lorraine Nordlinger.

    Samantha Snyder, Mount Vernon Research Librarian, was the luncheon guest speaker. Ms. Snyder spoke on “Washington Female Cabinet”. The presentation center on a group of ladies who were advisors to President Washington. The written comments from Washington to Annis Boudinot Stockton during August of 1788 documented his sentiments towards his female advisors. 

    DCSAR Secretary Paul Hays conducted the induction ceremony for three new compatriots. The inductees were Andrew Borene who lives in McLean, Virginia, and his son Magnus Borene who lives in Edina, Minnesota.  They are 5th and 6th great grandsons, respectively of George Prince, who served as a Captain of the Shenandoah County Virginia Militia.  Joel Hinzman is their sponsor.

    Jonathan Burgess Joyner lives in Arlington, VA.  He’s a 5th great grandson of Abner Chapin, who served as a Sergeant in a detachment of a Myrifield, Massachusetts company which marched to Bennington on August 15, 1777.  Fred Humphreys is Jonathan’s sponsor.

    The invocation and the benediction were given by Reverend John Stonesifer, Chaplain, 

  • 9 Dec 2021 7:00 PM | William Ritchie (Administrator)

    DCSAR held its annual Holiday Dinner at The Capitol Hill Club located at 300 First Street SE, Washington, DC on December 9, 2021, welcoming more than 75 guests at the black-tie event. During the cocktail reception guests were treated to a range of musical selections by Compatriot Donald Francisco, the Resident Fifer at Mount Vernon, who also performed our national anthem as the audience accompanied.  

    After DCSAR President Joel Hinzman gave the welcoming followed by the invocation by Rev. Dr. John Stonesifer, DCSAR Chaplain, guests dined on Roast Pear Salad, Herb Chicken – Pork duo, Noel log, and table wine.  

    The dinner host, past DCSAR President Brock Bierman, introduced the guest speaker for the evening Col. Robert J. Dalessandro (Ret. US Army), Acting Secretary of the American Battle Monuments Commission and Director of the United States Army Center of Military History at Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, D.C. Secretary Dalessandro is an American historian and author who has written and presented extensively on the American Expeditionary Forces contributions to the First World War.

    Secretary Dalessandro frequently leads battlefield tours to sites in the United States, France, and Italy. He is widely published on the lifeways and material culture of the American Soldier in the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries. He is co-author of the Organization and Insignia of the American Expeditionary Forces, 1917–1923, he serves as editor of the Army Officer’s Guide, co-author of Willing Patriots: Men of Color in the First World War, and Contributions of African American Soldiers and the American Lions: the 332nd Infantry Regiment in Italy in World War I.

    His book, Organization and Insignia of the American Expeditionary Forces, received the Army Historical Foundation award for excellence in writing.

    Col. Alessandro discussed the work of the American Battle Monuments Commission (“ABMC”). The Commission was established by Congress in 1923 and is an agency of the executive branch of the federal government. ABMC is the guardian of America’s overseas commemorative cemeteries and memorials that honors the service, achievements, and sacrifice of U.S. Armed Forces. Their purpose is to commemorate the U.S. armed forces by maintaining the national legacy of their service in the world's consciousness.

    ABMC’s vision is to increase the public's awareness of their commemorative sites and services, increasing ABMC's commemorative coverage, and more effectively preserving the commemorative sites to ABMC's exceptional standard. The ABMC honors the service of the armed forces by creating and maintaining memorial sites, offering commemorative services, and facilitating the education of their legacy to future generations.

     DCSAR Secretary Paul Hays administered the oath to new compatriots Thomas Redrick Miller Maddux and Patrick Thomas O’Malley. Thomas lives in Alexandria, VA.  He was born  in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and is a 6th great grandson of Thomas Price, who served as a Captain of the North Carolina Militia under Colonels John Sevier and Moses Shelby, fought at the Battle of King’s Mountain and died at the Siege of Augusta in 1781. 

    Patrick is a native of and practicing attorney in Washington, DC who lives in Baltimore.  He’s a 5th great grandson of Benjamin Dix, who served as a Private and Corporal in the Connecticut Line. 


  • 21 Oct 2021 6:00 PM | William Ritchie (Administrator)

    The Roof Top Reception celebrating the 240th anniversary of the American Victory at Yorktown and the major contributions to its success by France and French Heroes of the Revolution was held at the prestigious University Club of Washington, DC on October 21, 2021.

    The University Club is one of the nation’s truly historic membership organizations. While the founders include President William Howard Taft and Chief Justice of the United States Melville Fuller, they were part of a larger group of political, business, and civic leaders who shared a common bond. Today’s members are an impressive Who’s Who of leaders sharing a sense of family. They are bonded by their intellectual, athletic, and cultural pursuits, evident in the restaurants, on the courts and in the wide range of cultural and social events taking place throughout the Club each and every day.

    During the reception attended by more than 60 guests, Scott William de Vecchio received the oath of membership into SAR. Scott is a 6th great grandson of Timothy Haskell, who served as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Massachusetts Militia under Captain Samuel Briggs in Col. Sprout’s Regiment. His sponsors were DCSAR President Joel Hinzman and DCSAR Secretary Paul Hays.

    Our next event will be the DCSAR Holiday Dinner on December 9, 2021 at the Capitol Hill Club.

  • 30 Sep 2021 12:00 PM | William Ritchie (Administrator)

    Douglas Brooks, chair of the DCSAR JROTC committee, was recently contacted by  Lt. Col. Neal Daniels, commanding officer of the Dunbar High School JROTC to request the assistance of DCSAR with a winter clothing project by the cadets. Compatriot Brooks assisted the cadets as the event was similar to the DCSAR “Gently Used Clothing” project that has been successful and benefits several schools within the District of Columbia Public School System.

    The JROTC Cadets recognized that a significant number of their fellow students did not have access to appropriate cold weather winter garments and the cadets developed and implemented the project. Students at Dunbar High School will have a first opportunity to the garments, and the remaining clothing will be donated to a local community charity.

    Dunbar High School has a sterling reputation, and its roots started in the late 1870’s. It has graduated many highly accomplished and successful graduates, including a Tuskegee pilot credited with shooting down the first German jet fighter during World War II, the first African Americans to achieve the rank of General and Admiral and many leaders in politics, science, and literature, to cite a few. Compatriot Brooks will be pursuing a potential guest lecture program with the cadets regarding revolutionary war history.

  • 5 Jul 2021 4:17 PM | Joel Hinzman (Administrator)

    Organizers paid tribute to the heroic efforts of D.C. and Capitol police officers for their work during the Jan. 6 violence. News4’s Derrick Ward takes viewers to Congressional Cemetery for the story.

  • 31 May 2021 11:08 AM | Joel Hinzman (Administrator)

    Memorial Day Message

    We, descendants of the heroes of the American Revolution, who by their sacrifices, established the United States of America, reaffirm our faith in the principles of liberty and our Constitutional Republic, and solemnly pledge ourselves to defend them against every foe.


    As members of the Sons of the American Revolution, Memorial Day provides us an opportunity each year to reflect on the tremendous sacrifice that our ancestors made in the establishment of our nation, and in securing the freedoms we enjoy today.  We owe a tremendous debt to all of those who paid the ultimate price to establish this country.

    An estimated 6,800 Americans were killed in action during the Revolutionary war, but historians believe that at least an additional 17,000 deaths were the result of disease, including about 8,000 – 12,000 who died while prisoners of war[1].  While unreliable, the estimate for the casualties among British regular forces fighting in the Revolutionary was is around 24,000[2] men.  This includes deaths on the battlefield, from injuries or disease, taken prisoner, or who remained missing.

    Approximately 1,200 Hessian soldiers were also killed, 6,354 of disease, and another 5,500 deserted and settled in America afterwards (including my direct ancestor, Henry Hinzman, who after learning more about the great cause the Americans were engaged in, joined the Pennsylvania Artillery and fought with the continental forces until the end of the war).

    When we joined the SAR, we made a conscious choice to become part of an organization committed to honoring the brave legacy of our forefathers in their quest for American independence.  I ask that you take time today to not only think about what a tremendous sacrifice these soldiers made while fighting for their independence, but you also share this with someone and talk about what this day, and the sacrifices so many have made during and since the revolution, mean to you and our nation.

    “Until we meet again, let us remember our obligations to our forefathers, who gave us our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, an independent Supreme Court and a nation of free men.”

    Joel Hinzman


    [1] Figures according to American Battlefields Trust -

    [2] Ibid

  • 19 May 2021 2:52 PM | Joel Hinzman (Administrator)

    Our Newsletter can be found here.

  • 30 Apr 2021 5:10 PM | Joel Hinzman (Administrator)

    131st Annual Awards and Installation of Officers

    By William O. Ritchie

    DCSAR virtually held is 2021 Awards and Installation Banquet on Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 6:30 pm. The black-tie optional event was held via zoom. The first award presented was the 2021 NSSAR Emergency Medical Services Commendation Medal. 

    DC Fire and EMS Lt. Keishea Jackson – Courtesy DCFEMS

    Lt. Keishea Jackson was the recipient in recognition of her dedication to the preservation of life and health under emergency conditions and performing beyond the duties normally called for within the Emergency Medical Services profession. 

    DCSAR S VP Bill Ritchie and Lt. Keishea Jackson

    Assigned to the District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Management Service (“DCFEMS”) Homeland Security Division, Lieutenant Jackson has been on the front lines of all the major events to take place and impact Washington, DC., during the last 12 months. She has been one of the officers from DCFEMS to help coordinate and schedule the several logistical parts and pieces connected to COVID-19 testing that has occurred at several firehouses across the city over the last year. Lt Jackson has also been instrumental in taking a public stance on taking the vaccine; opening up and sharing her personal journey and decision-making process on why she felt the need to protect herself, her co-workers and the community in which she serves.

    During a press briefing on December 13, 2020 Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser recognized The First Five — the first five members of DC’s Bravest who would take the coronavirus vaccine that week. As frontline health care providers, the District of Columbia’s COVID-19 Vaccination Plan designates members of the DC Fire and EMS Department (FEMS) among the first to receive the vaccine in Washington, DC. Lt. Jackson was one of the First Five. 

    “I’m getting vaccinated for my city,” Lt. Jackson said in a statement. “In the last nine months, I’ve seen COVID devastate my department. I’ve seen my brothers and sisters go into the hospital. I’ve seen them with severe symptoms — things we never thought we would see. My father is everything to me; he is my world. And if I don’t get it for any other reason, I have to get it for my daddy. I have to make sure he’s safe,” Her comments were featured in a story by NBC4 during December 2020.

    DCSAR President Joel P. Hinzman, Sr VP Bill Ritchie and Secretary Paul M. Hays presented a host of awards and citations to DCSAR compatriots and our guest from DCDAR and D.C.C.A.R. Among the recipients were:

    D.C. Society Honor in Service Medal Recipients:

      David Weston White 

      Andrew Martin Johnson 

      Sean P. Redmond 

                 James Alan Richardson, Jr.

    D.C. Society Patriotic Service Medal Recipients


      James Bowles Pender III

      John D. Stonesifer

                 Frederick Chandler Humphreys

    NSSAR Lydia Darragh Medal Recipient: Jennifer Anne Cetta-Hinzman

    Martha Washington Medal Recipient: Rachel Norman, Regent, Emily Nelson Chapter, DCDAR 

    NSSAR Medal of Appreciation: Rachel Hicks

    NSSAR CAR Bronze Medal of Appreciation Recipients:

      Mia & Miah Malur

      Rachel Hicks

      Dylan Zimmer

      Hillary Fisk

      Maddie McAnulty

     Carol Leon

    Silver SAR / CAR Silver Medal of Appreciation Recipients:

     Chip Nordlinger

     Sarah Nordlinger

     Lorraine Nordlinger

     Kathryn Orta

    NSSAR Silver Good Citizenship Medal: Charles Hart Nalls

    Silver Roger Sherman Medal: Geoffrey L. Newman, 3rd VP DCSAR

    State Medal of Distinguished Service: William O. Ritchie Jr., Sr. VP DCSAR

    Patriot Medal: Lane Douglas Brooks, Immediate Past President DCSAR

    Daughters of Liberty Medal: Cindy Shelton Hays, DCDAR State Regent (oak leaf cluster)

    The Honorable Mark S. Norris, Judge, U.S. District Court for the Western District of Tennessee and Immediate Past President, Tennessee Sons of the American Revolution, gave the oath of office during the installation of the 2021-2022 DC Society Officers. Principal officers included President Joel P. Hinzman, Senior Vice President William O. Ritchie Jr., 2nd Vice President Thomas A. Readmond, 3rd Vice President Geoffrey L. Newman, Secretary Paul M. Hays, Treasurer James B. Pender III and Registrar William L. Miller. 

    After leading a toast to the newly elected officers, President Hinzman presented the DC Society Honor in Service Medal to Judge Norris. 

    The invocation and benediction were offered by Rev. John Stonesifer, Chaplain. 

Copyright D.C. Sons of the American Revolution

The D.C. Sons of the American Revolution is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization. 1801 E Street SEWashington, DC 20003 

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